Raspberry Pi for industrial Applications

Raspberry Pi: capture, control, regulate

The use of Raspberry Pi in industrial automation offers several advantages that make it an attractive option for various applications.

Here are some key benefits based on the provided keywords:

Widespread Use and Testing

Raspberry Pi computers have been deployed millions of times worldwide, meaning they have been extensively tested and proven in a wide range of use cases. This widespread usage ensures high reliability and stability of both hardware and software, which is particularly valuable in industrial applications where downtime can be costly.

Wide Selection of Software

Thanks to a large and active community and its widespread use, there is a vast selection of software available for the Raspberry Pi, including operating systems, tools, and applications for industrial automation. This allows users to find or adapt solutions that are precisely tailored to their specific needs.

Well-Maintained Operating System

The Raspberry Pi comes with the Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian), which is regularly updated and maintained. This ensures that security patches and software updates are continuously provided, essential for use in the industry where security and reliability are of utmost importance.

Cost Efficiency

Raspberry Pis are extremely cost-effective compared to traditional industrial control systems, allowing businesses to implement automation solutions with lower investments.

Flexibility and Scalability

With the availability of GPIO pins (General Purpose Input/Output) and various communication interfaces (such as USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth), Raspberry Pis can be easily connected to a wide range of sensors, actuators, and other devices to create customized automation solutions.

Community and Support

A large and active community provides extensive resources, support, and knowledge sharing, which facilitates development and troubleshooting.

Compact Size

The compact size of the Raspberry Pi makes it ideal for use in environments with limited space.

These advantages make the Raspberry Pi an attractive option for many applications in industrial automation, from controlling machinery and equipment to monitoring and data acquisition systems.

Advantages of the Andino Controller together with the Rasperry Pi

Andino Systems offers a range of extensions and solutions specifically designed to optimize the Raspberry Pi for industrial applications. Combining the Raspberry Pi with Andino Systems’ products brings several advantages that go beyond the basic benefits of the Raspberry Pi. Here are some key advantages:

Industrial-grade Interfaces

Andino Systems develops extensions that provide industrial interfaces and inputs for the Raspberry Pi. This enables the direct integration of the Raspberry Pi into industrial control systems, sensors, and actuators, which would not be possible directly due to differences in voltage and signal levels.

Robust Enclosures

Andino offers robust enclosures that protect the Raspberry Pi in harsh industrial environments. These enclosures are often sealed against dust, dirt, and moisture and can provide additional protection against mechanical stresses.

Expandable Hardware

Besides base modules, Andino also offers extensions like relay cards, digital and analog I/O modules, which allow for easy customization to specific industrial requirements. This modularity and expandability facilitate the scaling and adaptation of projects.

Pre-built Solutions for Specific Applications

Andino Systems provides solutions tailored to specific industrial applications, such as data acquisition, machine control, and monitoring. These pre-built solutions can save time and resources in development and implementation.

Increased Reliability and Operational Safety

Combining Andino’s hardware with the Raspberry Pi achieves higher reliability and operational safety in industrial environments. Andino’s hardware is designed to withstand the demanding conditions of the industry, including dealing with electromagnetic interference and voltage spikes.

Professional Support and Consulting

Andino Systems offers professional support and consulting for their products and solutions. This support can be particularly valuable when it comes to integration into complex industrial systems.

Compatibility and Interoperability

Andino Systems ensures that their products are fully compatible with the Raspberry Pi, facilitating interoperability with existing systems and software.

In summary, the combination of the Raspberry Pi and Andino Systems offers a powerful, flexible, and cost-effective solution for industrial automation projects, supporting both easy integration and reliable long-term operation in demanding environments.


Andino X1 Pico

Raspberry Pi 4 B+ or CM4 in a 6 DB Din Rail Housing


Andino X1 Pico
  • Possible Versions are with Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • Raspberry Pico (for handling I/O)
  • Galvanically isolated
  • RS-232 or RS-485 or CAN bus Expandable
  • Real Time Clock (RTC)
  • Made in Germany
  • EMC-tested
  • Raspberry Pi compatible


Andino X1 Pico – Breadboard

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3,5 Ampere)
  • Raspberry Pi in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • 2 digital inputs und 2 relay outputs
  • Expandable by Shields
  • Heatsink / RTC

Andino X1 Pico – RS485/RS422

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • isolated RS485/RS422

Andino X1 Pico – 2x RS232

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • Dual RS232 Interface

Andino X1 Pico – 7 Inputs

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • 7 digital inputs and 2 digital output

Andino X1 Pico – CAN BUS

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • CAN-Bus

Andino X1 Pico – LoraWan

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • LoraWAN-Modem

Andino X1 Pico – 2G

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 | Pico2Pi
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • 2G-Modem

Andino X1 Pico – 2DO/1DI

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • 2DO / 1DI-Shield: two relay outputs and one digital input (each galvanically isolated)

Andino X1 + 4G/LTE Modem

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4
  • 24 Volt Powersupply (+5 Volt, 3.5 Ampere)
  • Andino X1 in mounting Rail (TS35) housing
  • RTC
  • Heatsink
  • externally connected 4G Modem – possible with all other variants!

Andino IO

Raspberry Pi 4 B+ in a Din Rail Housing


  • DIN rail housing 9 pieces, TS35, DIN DIN EN 43880
  • Integrated Raspberry Pi 4 B +
  • Power supply 9V – 30V DC
  • 6 Digital In – isolated 5kV
  • 3 relay output, 240 V, 5 A
  • CAN bus
  • RS232
  • RS485 (with automatic transmitter switched on) / RS422
  • OLED display (128 × 64)
  • Power failure input (for Andino UPS)
  • Optionally available:
    1. integrated Lora WAN modem
    2. integrated 2G / EDGE modem
    3. integrated LTE narrow band


Andino IO

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 |Pico2Pi
  • Power supply 9V – 30V DC
  • 6 Digital In – isolated 5kV
  • 3 relay output, 240 V, 5 A
  • OLED display (128 × 64)
  • Power failure input (for Andino UPS)

Andino IO – LoraWan

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 |Pico2Pi
  • Power supply 9V – 30V DC
  • 6 Digital In – isolated 5kV
  • 3 relay output, 240 V, 5 A
  • OLED display (128 × 64)
  • Power failure input (for Andino UPS)
  • LoraWan – Modem

Andino IO – 2G

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4 |Pico2Pi
  • Power supply 9V – 30V DC
  • 6 Digital In – isolated 5kV
  • 3 relay output, 240 V, 5 A
  • OLED display (128 × 64)
  • Power failure input (for Andino UPS)
  • 2G – Modem

Andino IO + 4G/LTE Modem

  • Versions Raspberry 4 B | CM4
  • Power supply 9V – 30V DC
  • 6 Digital In – isolated 5kV
  • 3 relay output, 240 V, 5 A
  • OLED display (128 × 64)
  • Power failure input (for Andino UPS)
  • externally connected 4G/LTE modem – poissible with all variants!

Andino XIO

Raspberry Pi 4 B+ in a Din Rail Housing


  • Integrated Raspberry Pi 4 B + | CM4 with Adapter Board | Pico2Pi
  • Power supply 24V DC
  • 6x relays (240VAC, 16 A)
  • 6x isolated digital inputs
  • I2C via Expander/Booster


Andino XIO

  • Integrated Raspberry Pi 4 B + | CM4 with Adapter Board | Pico2Pi
  • Power supply 24V DC
  • 6x relays (240VAC, 16 A)
  • 6x isolated digital inputs

Andino Gateway

Raspberry Pi 4 B+ in a Din Rail Housing


  • Internal PCIe Slot for USB compatible cards
  • 24V DC or 100-240V AC power input
  • Isolated RS485 RTC (internal via I2C)
  • SIM card slot (accessible without case opening)
  • SMA antenna connector (externally accessible, internally IPEX)
  • Factory Default Button (via paper clip)
  • OLED display in lid (128 x 64 pixels via I2C)


Andino Gateway without 4G

  • Internal PCIe Slot for USB compatible cards
  • 24V DC or 100-240V AC power input
  • Isolated RS485 RTC (internal via I2C)
  • SIM card slot (accessible without case opening)
  • SMA antenna connector (externally accessible, internally IPEX)
  • Factory Default Button (via paper clip)
  • OLED display in lid (128 x 64 pixels via I2C)

Andino Gateway with 4G

  • Internal PCIe Slot for USB compatible cards
  • 24V DC or 100-240V AC power input
  • Isolated RS485 RTC (internal via I2C)
  • SIM card slot (accessible without case opening)
  • SMA antenna connector (externally accessible, internally IPEX)
  • Factory Default Button (via paper clip)
  • OLED display in lid (128 x 64 pixels via I2C)
  • 4G Modem

Andino Pico2Pi

Raspberry Pico RP2040 in form factor of Raspberry 4 B


    • RP2040 Microcontroller
    • Dual core-Processor Arm Cortex-M0+ (bis zu 133 MHz)
    • 2 × UART, 2 × SPI-Controller, 2 × I2C-Controller, 16 × PWM-Kanal
    • 26 GPIO-Pins, incl. 3 analog Inputs
    • Form size from the original Raspberry`s 3/4 B
    • galvanic isolated RS485 (Modbus RTU)

Andino Raspberry Pi CM4 + Compute Module Adapter Board

Raspberry CM4 + Adapter Board


The board has the following IO options:

  • Raspberry Pi GPIO pins
  • 2x USB 2.0
  • Gigabit Ethernet
  • Internal USB Header
  • PCIe X1
  • Micro HDMI

Andino UPS    

Uninterrupable Power Supply (UPS)


  • Allows the controlled shutdown of industrial controls and single board computers such as the Andino X1, Raspberry Pi.
  • Operates with 24 V as input and output voltage.
  • Mounting in control cabinet on DIN rail.
  • No external batteries required.
  • Power Fail Signal. As TTL and falling relay.
  • Internal status readable via I2C
  • EMC-tested


  • Controlled shutdown of industrial controls
  • Operates with 24 V as input and output voltage.
  • Minimal Power loss
  • Mounting in control cabinet on DIN rail.
  • No external batteries required.
  • Power Fail Signal as falling relay output.
  • Controls restart external Device on Power
  • Internal status readable via UART (USB Bridge available)

Life expectancy

The life expectancy of the used memory is strongly dependent on the ambient temperature. While at 43 degrees, the memory loses 30% of its capacity after about 7 years.



The X1 board has a 9-24V wide-range DC input with reverse polarity protection.
Powerful, reliable, stable power supply: 5 Volt, 2.6 Amp – enough power for the Raspberry, your USB hardware and customer-specific adaptations.
The integrated EMC protection circuits protect the Pi from voltage and current surges.

Programmable 8-bit microcontroller (Atmega 168 8Mhz) for adapting the inputs and outputs.
Accurate and reliable detection of digital and analog signals.

The Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller of the Andino X1 comes with an Arduino-compatible bootloader.
Our combination of Raspberry Pi Pico and Raspberry Pi 4/CM4 on the Andino X1 is ideally suited for use in home automation and sensor technology, as well as in more demanding industrial automation applications.
In addition: The strengths of both boards complement each other perfectly. While the single-board computer Raspberry Pi can perform complex tasks (eg hosting of database and WebServer) as a full-value computer, the microcontroller can take care of the fast signal pre-processing.
Our built-in microcontroller communicates with the Pi via UART. The X1 is programmable with the Arduino IDE via USB from a PC.

The X1 board has two electrically isolated inputs (up to 5kV isolated) as well as two relay outputs for 42 volts and 1 amp.
His IO is controlled by a microcontroller. Further GPIO of the Raspberry Pi for industrial applications as well as IO of the microcontroller are led to an internal pin header.
In conclusion, it is possible to bring own adaptations to the screw terminals.

Via the SPI and the I2C interface of the Raspberry Pi, further hardware extensions can be connected to the free screw terminals.
Thus, stable, control cabinet-compatible wiring is possible.

Further Interfaces:

  • RS485 / RS422 (2/4 lines)  (galvanically isolated)
  • M-Bus (Meter Bus)
  • Analog Input (e.g. via Microchip MCP3008)
  • Digital Input

The integrated, battery-buffered RTC provides the correct time even if no NTP (time) server is available.
A high-precision time chip DS3231 from Dallas Semiconductors is used. Due to the internal temperature compensation of the oscillator, the chip achieves a very high accuracy of ± 2ppm at 0 ° C to + 40 ° C.

Our Andino products for Raspberry Pi for industrial applications are designed, developed and manufactured in Germany.

Our Andino X1 was tested for its electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) together with a Raspberry Pi in its DIN rail housing.

All tests were based on the immunity to electrostatic discharge, high-frequency electromagnetic fields, fast transient electrical disturbances (burst), impulse voltages, conducted disturbances – induced by high-frequency fields and magnetic fields with energy-related frequencies.

The Andino X1 has mastered these tests not only with flying colors, but also meets the more stringent limits. This underlines its suitability of our Raspberry Pi for industrial Applications.

The 40-pin connector is compatible with Raspberry Pi 3/4 B and B+ (+ Asus Tinker Board)

We ship our Products with Raspberry Pi 4 B


Andino X1

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Andino IO

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Andino XIO

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Andino Gateway

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Andino UPS

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